New “More 4 Less” Toilets Plan helps fund Coast & Countryside Trust!
Our Mayor has just consistently blamed cuts on the Government. ‘If I had my way I wouldn’t be making these cuts. We simply have no choice’.
And yet time and again, as we get sight of the books and know different ways of doing things, massive wastage has been done – as though have money to burn.
Here is one example;
Our council spends £874,000 on toilets. I know of business and voluntary groups who have offered to take over management for up to 40% less and stay open longer. That could be around £340,000 savings or over £1.2 million in last 4 years.
What could we have used some of the savings to have protected that has now gone? What could we use some of these savings to protect other services that will go? The heading of this article says – Coast & Countryside who are suffering a further £50,000 cut. This just gives the principle of ‘More 4 less’ through proper financial management.
MANAGING the budget involves a 3 pronged attack. One prong attacking wastage and looking at how to do things better for less.
You have heard of the Ghost Busters. I would introduce the Waste Busters. A team that goes through the finances and interacts with the world to find savings.
Just think what some of the cuts we have experienced could have been saved?
Just think what some of the savings could at least protect in the future? Coast and Countryside Trust? Beach management? CCTV? Street Warden? Shoalstone?