New ‘More 4 Less’ Litter scheme saves Shoalstone!


Our Mayor has just consistently blamed cuts on the Government. ‘If I had my way I wouldn’t be making these cuts. We simply have no choice’.

And yet time and again, as we get sight of the books and know different ways of doing things, massive wastage has been done – as though have money to burn.

Here is one example;

In Bournemouth they have introduced a litter management scheme called Big Belly Bins that has reduced costs by over 80% in their tourism centres.
Just imagine the savings we, in Torbay, maybe able to gain, but more – in the summer the overflow of litter into our harbours and beauty spots would end as well and the system has a wifi ability to link to Business.

What could we have used some of the savings to have protected that has now gone? What could we use some of these savings to protect other services that will go? The heading of this article says – Shoalstone who need £16,000 to cover repairs but also some on-going to keep open. This just gives the principle of ‘More 4 less’ through proper financial management.

MANAGING the budget involves a 3 pronged attack. One prong attacking wastage and looking at how to do things better for less.


You have heard of the Ghost Busters. I would introduce the Waste Busters. A team that goes through the finances and interacts with the world to find savings.


"The voice" comes to Brixham. Dealing with the Cinderella treatment felt dished out.

Four years ago I explained how I saw Brixham. The Cinderella syndrome. Looked down by the sisters, seemingly last on the list!



Capturing the serial killer 'Car Parking'. Business AND Jobs under fire.

What an earth might you think I am saying? Well if you listen to businesses within our town centres one after another will say car parking...



Full steam ahead for Brixham. The jewel in the bay properly valued.

Loads of jewels filling the treasure chest with more to come, but over recent years has still been treated as the 'Cinderella' of the Bay.



Problems can become opportunities when the right people come together

Petty, party, politics and 'Solo' Mayoral decisions are weakening Torbay, surely no other organisation or business would function like this.



NO MORE JOBS! Torbay can face tourism crisis and job cuts!

Cynical Mayor Decision of full cut to ERTC puts Bay growth at risk & back to falls - difference £400m in 4 years!



Is Council really supporting small businesses? Fact or Fiction?

Well... 98% Bay Business SMEs without voice or champion in council hearing, understanding, helping.



Managing the Council budget better, by experts, is our only way!

I find examples of savings with no strategy to increase income. Expertise in money management is essential.



Fact! Promises are only as strong as the person who gives them...

Say NO to broken promises. This is a difficult subject to cover but one I am afraid that needs to be addressed.



Is Torbay's Wastage Management rotten and overloaded?

Over and again I find areas of wastage, but with new methods of doing things, savings can be found.